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May Madness

By Valeria Pietronave and Y10 students

This anthology is a selection of the many stories produced by a Year 10 group as part of a class writing challenge that went far beyond the bounds of a regular class assignment.

In the words of only a few of the authors:

“The objective of the assignment was to explore our writing abilities through short stories. What was interesting about the project was that we were limited, or enhanced by certain restrictions, the prompts. It certainly was hard to exploit the characteristics of each prompt but it was also rewarding to see our finished works.

As I have already said, in my own case, this project was equivalent to exploring the depths of my mind (...) Reading has always been about getting to know the soul and mind of the writer and I believe that through my works the reader will be able to understand, even more than I do, who I am.”

“For me, the real challenge was having to filter and put to words all the overwhelming ideas that appeared in my mind as I sat to write, with very little hesitation allowed because of the time restriction I had, and with that, to create a story with a good plot and a rich character, something I wasn't always able to achieve. Although the challenge was mind wracking at times, for one month, writing these short stories became the best part of my week, as I improved and came to know myself and my writing style more as time passed.”

“Although [these] stories were originally written to complete a task, [they] finally ended up having a part of me, [they] ended up being a personal project. Each of the stories reflected something or someone that really meant a lot to me.”

Welcome to our minds and souls!

Special thanks to Vicky and Isa for the overall design of our Anthology, and to Sofi Sengenberger and Ceci Cervi for their support at different stages of the process.

Click on the photo to read the anthology! / Hacé click en la imagen para leer la antología!


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